A much branched upright and very showy shrub from the Cape Floral Kingdom. The Flats Conebush is part of the Protea family, and it grows silvery silky-haired leaves with profusely branched flowerheads of bright yellow brachts in early summer. The silvery leaves shimmer in the wind. The stems and brachts make long lasting and popular cut flowers.
The Flats Conebush grows best in full sun and watered, well-drained soil. It will sit with its roots in water for part of the year. Plants grow to a height of about 2m, and spread out to about 1m. They are not tolerant of hard frosts, especially when young, and they can be grown successfully in containers, to be moved indoors in winter. Or they can be grown outdoors all year in warmer UK and Mediterranean gardens.
Pack of 10 seeds. Sow in spring to autumn. Flowering generally starts in the third year. Sowing instructions and a colour photo are printed on the packet. The Flats Conebush is now rare in the wild and these seeds come from cultivated plants growing in a Botanical Garden.
See how your seeds are packed.