
Verbena hastata 'White Spires' / Vervain / Seeds

(Code: B&T_160)
£ 1.89
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Verbena hastata 'White Spires' / Vervain / Seeds

Verbena ‘White Spires’ has tall strong candelabra-like spikes of pure white flowers, up to 1.2m tall, in June to September.  This is a very hardy plant, which does not need staking, and provides lots of mid to late summer colour in the garden.  It makes a good cut flower.

Verbena ‘White Spires’ prefers full sun and medium to wet well drained soil. 


Pack of 50 seeds.  Sow in spring/summer in a tray of seed compost or sow in autumn/winter in a coldframe, leave outside over winter and seeds start germination in the spring.  Sowing instructions and a colour photo are printed on the packet.

See how your seeds are packed.

Hardiness Hardy deciduous perennial (RHS Hardiness H5)
Flowers June to September
Height 1.2m
Spread 40 - 60cm
Conditions  Full sun and moist well-drained soil
Sow Sow in late autumn/winter on the surface of a tray of moist seed compost, add a clear cover and place outside in a cold-frame.  The winter cold breaks seed dormancy and seedlings emerge in the warmth of spring/early summer.  Or sow seeds anytime, in a tray of moist seed compost and keep at 18-21°C. Seeds germinate in 3-4 weeks.  If there is no germination, place the tray in a fridge for six weeks and then back into the warmth and this triggers germination.  Transfer seedlings to pots when they are big enough to handle.  Harden off seedlings before planting out.  Pinch out the growing tips of plants when planting out and this encourages a branched habit.
Grow Early sowings often flower in the first year.  Cut back spent flowers during the growing season.  Plants die down in winter, when dead plant material can be tidied up.  They start growing again in the spring.  Mature plants can be divided, most commonly in spring.