
Shrub Seeds

Indigofera cytisoides / Fire Pea / Woody Shrub / Seeds
£ 1.85
A showy evergreen shrub with large rose-coloured flowers in autumn.
Pack of seeds (10 seeds)
Leucadendron floridum / Flats Conebush / Seeds
£ 1.99
An upright and very showy shrub with silvery leaves and bright yellow flowers/brachts in early summer.
Pack of seeds (10 seeds)
Malva sylvestris var.mauritiana / Tree Mallow / Seeds
£ 1.69
A Mallow with silky purple flowers with violet stripes, blooming from June to September.
Pack of 1g seeds (est 220 seeds)
Protea cynariodes / King Protea / Seeds
£ 2.45
This is a showy Protea, coming from the Cape Floral Kingdom in South Africa with large flowerheads from June to September.
Pack of 8 seeds
Vitex agnus-castus / Chaste Tree / Seeds
£ 1.59
A fragrant shrub or small tree with violet-blue racemes of flowers in late summer and autumn.
Pack of seeds (30 seeds)